Critical Language Scholarship Program | Joining the CLS Alumni…
Five CLS alumni pose at an alumni event.

Joining the CLS Alumni Community

After successfully completing all post-program requirements, CLS alumni have the opportunity to participate in a variety of initiatives, including those designed to contribute to the success of future CLS participants. More information about these activities is provided upon completion of the CLS Program. CLS staff hope that alumni choose to stay involved with CLS for many years to come!

International Exchange Alumni

CLS alumni join a community of alumni of U.S. Department of State programs, a distinguished network of individuals from all over the world. Alumni can explore the resources and opportunities available to them as members of this community on the International Exchange Alumni website ( Alumni will also be invited to join the Exchange Alumni platform via email following completion of post-program requirements.

CLS Alumni Society

The Critical Language Scholarship Alumni Society (CLSAS) is an independent organization led by and for CLS alumni. CLSAS provides alumni with avenues for professional development, community engagement, networking, and language retention. The association serves as an advocate for the continued advancement of critical language studies and cultural exchange in the United States and abroad. The CLS Program encourages alumni to join CLSAS and to stay engaged with the CLS community. More information can be found on the CLSAS website (

Members of the inaugural CLS Alumni Society working group.

Supporting Participants

Following completion of the CLS Program, alumni are invited to share their experiences and knowledge with future CLS finalists and participants. Alumni who opt to participate in this initiative will be able to connect with other alumni as well.

Staying in Touch

CLS alumni play an important role in maintaining and demonstrating the success of the CLS Program. Alumni are kindly asked to keep the CLS Program updated about new jobs, fellowships, continued studies, and any other big news.

The Department of State and American Councils regularly reach out to alumni for opportunities to represent CLS to important U.S. and foreign government officials, to speak at special events, and to be featured on Department of State and CLS promotional materials and websites. If an alum changes their email address, mailing address, or name, they are kindly asked to let CLS staff know by emailing so that staff can contact them about relevant news, events, and opportunities.

CLS also offers opportunities to stay connected and network with other CLS alumni online:         

Join the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program – Official Alumni Group on LinkedIn:

Join the Critical Language Scholarship Official Alumni Facebook group:

If they haven’t already, alumni can also join the Critical Language Scholarship Facebook group for participants and alumni of their CLS language:

• Arabic:

• Azerbaijani:

• Chinese:

• Hindi:

• Indonesian:

• Japanese:

• Korean:

• Persian:

• Portuguese:

• Russian:

• Swahili:

• Turkish:

• Urdu: