Critical Language Scholarship Program | National Security Webinar…

National Security Webinar Series

The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Defense are excited to bring back last year’s popular webinar series on national security. This year, each webinar will dive into a unique national security topic and feature insights from Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program and Boren Awards alumni.

You’re invited to attend all four webinars to explore career pathways in diplomacy and defense, engage with CLS and Boren alumni, and learn more about key national security issues.

This year’s dates and topics include:

Each webinar will include:

  • A panel featuring CLS and Boren program alumni working in careers related to the webinar topic
  • An open question and answer with the audience
  • Breakout rooms for more in-depth discussions with individual panelists

This series is open to all interested students, advisors, and alumni! Space for each webinar is limited to the first 500 registrants, so be sure to sign up early.

For questions or technical assistance, please reach out to us at: