Critical Language Scholarship Program | News and Stories

News and Stories


2016 Alumni Development Fund Application Opens!

As the CLS alumni community grows to over 5,000 members in its 10th anniversary year, we want to remain a resource for your language-related endeavors. To this end, the CLS Program is pleased to invite program alumni from all years to apply for an Alumni Development Fund (ADF) Grant. The ADF provi…

CLS Program News — August 25, 2016

Teaching Arabic in Utah: Christina Cannon

Christina Cannon (CLS 2014 Arabic) is an Arabic teacher at the high school level in Utah. The CLS Alumni Development Fund helped her attend the annual convention of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) in San Antonio. At the conference, Christina was able to lea…

CLS Program News — August 22, 2016

Introducing Turkish Culture to Americans: Alyssa Mathias

Alyssa Mathias (CLS 2014 Turkish) is a Ph.D student in ethnomusicology and served as the head of the UCLA Turkish Music Group for the 2014-2015 academic year. She used her Alumni Development Fund to host two cultural workshops at UCLA. The first was a dance workshop with instruction from a Turkish …

CLS Program News — August 15, 2016

Rasa’il, Connecting American and Moroccans through Letters

Nicholas Mickinski, Sidney Tolo, Julianna Renzi, Jane McDermott, and Samee Sulaiman (CLS 2014 Arabic) met while studying in Tangier on CLS together. After returning, they decided they wanted to use their knowledge of Arabic and passion for language learning and cultural exchange. They realized the …

CLS Program News — August 08, 2016

Addressing Gender-based Violence: Yasin Khan

Yasin Khan (CLS 2014 Urdu), a CLS 2014 Urdu Alumni, worked as a Violence Prevention Educator before entering graduate school to obtain a Master’s in Public Health. Through her work, Yasin learned that gender based violence is the leading cause of injury to women in America and around the world; and…

CLS Program News — August 08, 2016