Critical Language Scholarship Program | News and Stories

News and Stories


CLS Fall Webinars

The CLS Program is happy to announce a range of webinars that seek to address questions applicants and university offices have about CLS and the application process. We will start off on September 23 at 3pm ET, with a Application Launch Webinar for a wide audience explaining …

CLS Program News — September 19, 2016

CLS 2017 Application Launches!

We are pleased to announce the opening of the competition for the U.S. Department of State 2017 Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in fourteen critical foreign languages. The CLS Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It …

CLS Program News — September 16, 2016

CLS Alumni Photo Contest

Attention new CLS alumni! We are pleased to announce the 2016 alumni photo contest. This contest is open to 2016 alumni of all CLS Program sites. Submissions will be accepted from September 12 to October 5. Submissions should fall under one of four categories: Par…

CLS Program News — September 12, 2016

Critical language scholar aims for ‘world of opportunities’

UNM students Joseluis Ayala, Erin Bush, Matthew Chavez and Annie Edwards received the prestigious Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Award this year—doubling the number of CLS awards received over last year. UNM’s Global Education Office (GEO) played a crucial role in guiding these students through the application process for the CLS scholarship.

CLS in the Press — August 31, 2016

Investigating Citizenship in the Middle East: Benjamin Smuin

Benjamin Smuin (CLS 2014 Turkish and CLS 2012 Arabic) received an Alumni Development Fund to attend the annual conference of the Middle East Studies Association in Washington, DC. Benjamin presented a paper entitled “Globalizing the Local: Speaking to the State and Acts of Citizenship in the Early …

CLS Program News — August 29, 2016

2016 Alumni Development Fund Application Opens!

As the CLS alumni community grows to over 5,000 members in its 10th anniversary year, we want to remain a resource for your language-related endeavors. To this end, the CLS Program is pleased to invite program alumni from all years to apply for an Alumni Development Fund (ADF) Grant. The ADF provi…

CLS Program News — August 25, 2016