Omega Tennant (CLS 2014 Chinese), started the Chinese Studies Program in Nashville, TN at MLK Magnet School in 2013, with the goal of extending language learning services and promoting in-depth understanding of the culture behind Mandarin Chinese to students from backgrounds of limited means. Omega…
Kirstin Johnson (CLS 2015 and 2014 Korean) returned from Korea concerned about how to progress with her language learning. Her university offers neither courses in Korean nor any study abroad opportunities in Korea. She realized that teaching what she knew would be a great way of working on her Kor…
Erin McGrath, a 1995 graduate of Lincoln High School, has joined the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism at the University of Maryland as a National Science Foundation post-doctoral research associate through 2017.
We use our skills to connect people and build bridges between cultures. We can also use them to help those in need and make their life in a new and unfamiliar environment easier.
About once a week, CLS Alumna Kelsey Norman plops into a chair at her kitchen table in Los Angeles, fires up Skype and dials Asalah Razzouk, a refugee living in the mountains of Lebanon.
Eight University of Virginia scholars will spend their summers immersed in foreign cultures and languages, thanks to Critical Language Scholarships from the U.S. Department of State.
Eight Florida State University students have received prestigious scholarships that will allow them to travel abroad to study languages deemed critical to the nation’s interests.
Twenty university students selected under a U.S. State Department scholarship plan embarked on an eight-week intensive Chinese-language program at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan.