Critical Language Scholarship Program | News and Stories

News and Stories



We are excited to announce a new group of CLS Program participants for summer 2015. Out of 5519 applicants, 550 were selected to study one of thirteen different languages at over twenty individuals sites overseas. As part of our annual selection process, we encouraged finalists to use the social m…

CLS Program News — March 28, 2015

Benjamin Simington

Why did you want to study your CLS target language? I wanted to study Hindi in order to deepen my understanding of Indian culture and history; studying a country's language allows for greater insight into the way the country is imagined and understood by its residents. What are your educational …

Alumni Profile — March 23, 2015

Belle Cheves

Why did you want to study your CLS target language? Being able to work with Persian texts fluently is integral to my research.What are your educational and/or professional goals? Following the completion of my Masters at NYU I would like to pursue a PhD in History. (Achieved! Belle is starting he…

Alumni Profile — March 23, 2015

Andres Fernandez

Why did you want to study your CLS target language? I always had a fascination for Russian culture and history, so I jumped at the first opportunity I had to learn the language at my university. I knew that learning this fascinating language would not only open doors for me in Russia, but througho…

Alumni Profile — March 23, 2015

Amanda Wolfenbarger

How did you find out about the CLS Program? My alma mater, William and Mary, posted a link to the application on the Scholarship Facebook page. Why did you want to study your CLS target language? At the time I was beginning my search for opportunities to engage in international social work a…

Alumni Profile — March 23, 2015

Alexis Sammarco

Why did you want to study your CLS target language? Before I started college, I had the option of studying Spanish or Arabic and I decided to challenge myself and try Arabic. I was immediately fascinated with the culture and beautiful sounds of the language. After three years, studying Arabic has…

Alumni Profile — March 23, 2015

Sikholars: Graduate Student Conference

By Ilene Gillispie (Chandigarh, India ’12 and ’13) and Soyna Kapoor (Chandigarh, India ’13)We (Ilene Gillispie and Soyna Kapoor) received a CLS Alumni Development Fund award to attend the annual “Sikholars: Graduate Student Conference” at Stanford University in February.The conference was an opport…

CLS Program News — July 11, 2014