Critical Language Scholarship Program | Framingham State University

Framingham State University

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Framingham State University Advisors

You are not required to go through any office on your campus in order to apply to the CLS Program. However, we recommend you make use of resources available on your campus to strengthen your application.

Resources on your campus may include an academic advisor, the Scholarships Office, Fellowships Office, Merit Awards Office, Study Abroad Office, Honors Program, Career Office or International Programs Office. A campus writing center may also provide helpful feedback on your essays.

The CLS Program provides resources to help you prepare a competitive application with or without the help of an advisor.

Previous Recipients

No applicants from Framingham State University have participated on the CLS Program before. You could be the first!

Learn more about the CLS Program, review more information for applicants, and apply.

Become a Campus Advisor for CLS

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Information for Advisors

Are you a fellowships or study abroad advisor looking for more information about CLS?

Information for Advisors