Critical Language Scholarship Program | News and Stories

News and Stories


Language Spotlight: Aaron Shew on Language Learning and Career Opportunities

Aaron M. Shew (Urdu 2009, 2010) is an Assistant Professor and REL Wilson Endowed Chair of Agricultural Economics at Arkansas State University. In this language spotlight, he shares with us what brought him to the study of Urdu and Hindi, how these language learning experiences helped to shape his scholarship, and about the importance of language immersion programs.

CLS in the Press — November 10, 2020

Lauren Sooy

“Although beginning my civil service career amidst a pandemic was a bit unusual, I’m grateful to be contributing my skills and knowledge to the U.S. government’s coronavirus response efforts.” Lauren, an alumna of the 2017 CLS Indonesian program, landed a position in early 2020 as a Stabilization …

Alumni Profile — September 21, 2020