Critical Language Scholarship Program | CLS Adds Swahili to Languages…

CLS Adds Swahili to Languages Offered in 2016

The CLS Program is happy to announce the addition of Swahili as a language offered by the CLS Program in 2016. The CLS Swahili Program will accept students at the Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Swahili, often referred to as Kiswahili, is the national language of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of Congo and the lingua franca for as many as 150 million people in Central and East Africa. It is also one of the official languages of the African Union and the East African Community. For centuries, Swahili has been a key language of trade and culture across East Africa and continues today to be the key language for some of the fastest growing countries in the world. Today African languages, especially regional languages like Swahili, are more in demand than ever before as international businesses look to expand into the African market.

East Africa is a region renowned for its stunning natural beauty, friendly people, and its many languages and cultures. The CLS Swahili program offers a chance to get a foothold into this region and the opportunity to communicate with people across a broad spectrum of countries and cultures.

More information will be made available on the Swahili language page.