Critical Language Scholarship Program | Busan, South Korea

Busan, South Korea

Program Dates:

June 07 - July 30, 2021

Hosting Institution:

Pusan National University

Program Overview

The CLS Program’s virtual programming in 2021 comprises approximately 20 hours of language activities per week, including:

  • 10 hours of face-to-face (synchronous) small group class
  • 10-15 hours of synchronous and asynchronous activities:
    • Individual feedback sessions with instructors
    • Asynchronous instruction, such as reviewing video recordings
    • Cultural activities
    • Individual and group homework assignments
    • Directed independent study
    • Regular meetings with a language partner for conversation practice

The Korean program in Busan is hosted by Pusan National University (PNU), Korea’s first national university, established in 1946. PNU is one of ten national universities in Korea and is made up of 13 colleges offering 103 majors to its students. Busan is considered the educational, cultural, and economic center of Southeast Korea and is well known in the global film industry for hosting the annual Busan International Film Festival. You can find out more about PNU and Busan on Pusan National University’s website.