Tainan, Taiwan
Program Dates:
June 29 - August 21, 2020
Hosting Institution:
National Cheng Kung University
Program Overview
The CLS Program's Virtual Institute for Chinese includes approximately 20 hours of language activities per week:
- Face-to-face small group class time
- Individual feedback sessions with instructors
- Homework assignments that reinforce course materials and concepts
- Directed independent study
- Meetings with a language partner for conversation practice
- Structured cultural activities designed to provide insight into historical and contemporary life in Taiwan
The CLS Program in Tainan is hosted by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). NCKU was established in 1931 in Tainan. It is renowned for its programs and research in engineering, technology, architectural design and medicine. As one of Taiwan’s leading integrated research type universities, NCKU has nine colleges covering the fields of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Management, Medicine, Social Sciences and Bioscience & Biotechnology, NCKU currently offers 40 undergraduate degree programs, 76 master’s degree programs, and 54 doctoral programs.