Critical Language Scholarship Program | Tara Lynch-Ornstein

Tara Lynch-Ornstein

“CLS equipped me with valuable experience and knowledge that I continue to use in my work every day. Participating in the CLS Program opened many doors to incredible professional opportunities that enable me to apply the experience I gained in Tajikistan to global health research and service delivery.”

Tara Lynch-Ornstein participated in the CLS Persian program in 2007, and her experience in Central Asia helped shape her study of global health. After graduating with a Master of Public Health from New York University in 2015, Tara worked as the TREAT TB Technical Officer at the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and later, as the Senior Program Officer assisting the Central Asia Region at ICAP at Columbia University.

Tara is still using the skills she gained from the CLS program. She currently serves as a Multilateral Advisor at the U.S. Agency for International Development and recently returned to Tajikistan as part of her work. 

“CLS provided a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity to improve my language skills but more importantly, I gained a first-hand view of the challenges faced by partners in Tajikistan and elsewhere in the region. I now use my experience in Tajikistan to assist partners all over the world to develop and improve sustainable programs that result in improved health and well-being.”

Alumni Profiles

Tara Lynch-Ornstein
Tara Lynch-Ornstein

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Posted Date

November 11, 2019