Critical Language Scholarship Program | Hunter Linton

Hunter Linton

Hunter Linton participated in the 2023 CLS Portuguese Program hosted by Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hunter is a recent graduate from Boston College, where he majored in Economics and Hispanic Studies. He plans to apply his CLS experience and Portuguese skills to a career in the US Foreign Service.

Getting to Know Hunter

I grew up in Westminster, a small town in the rural countryside of Maryland. Since I was little, I’ve loved being outdoors. I explored many avenues to enjoy nature, from hiking to kayaking to gardening. On campus, I am passionate about helping my community, and so I lead a group of Boston College students who tutor kids in an after-school program. Many of the students we tutor are ESL learners, so this has been a great way to practice my foreign language skills while also engaging in meaningful interactions. A passion for learning about other languages and cultures began in my family with my great-grandfather, who moved to Chile and Bolivia for work. There, my grandfather attended high school, learning Spanish to get by. Inspired by the generations before him, my father sought to learn Spanish, and then when I was born, he introduced it to me. As I developed my Spanish skills, I was proud to carry on my family’s legacy and I grew an immense appreciation for how foreign languages can open new channels for connection and broaden my perspective in life. 

Why Portuguese? 

Having studied Spanish for 12+ years, I became fascinated with learning more about Latin America and its cultures. I knew I wanted to work in this region of the world on issues such as democracy, diplomacy, and development. However, my lack of understanding of Brazil was a significant knowledge gap. I had already seen firsthand how my Spanish skills had been essential to better understanding traditions, viewpoints, and lifestyles. Therefore, I decided that the only way to truly learn about Brazil was to hear what Brazilians themselves had to say, and so I committed myself to studying Portuguese. 

A Favorite Phrase in Portuguese

I love to use the phrase “beleza.” It can mean wonderful or beautiful, and often Brazilians will use it as a response to a planned hangout or activity. It perfectly encapsulates the animated spirit that I encountered in Brazilians, and reminds me of the beauty of Rio, its people, and their joyous ways of life. 

Why Should Others Learn Portuguese? 

One of the most compelling reasons to learn Portuguese through the CLS program is its accessibility to other foreign language learners. As a Romance language, it shares many of the same roots and characteristics as Spanish, French, and Italian. I came to Rio with no formal classroom experience in Portuguese, but my knowledge of Spanish helped me pick up the language quickly and by the end of the program, I was able to hold full conversations in Portuguese with strangers. 

The Market

My favorite cultural experience of my CLS program was visiting the local market. As a foodie, I was eager to see all the vibrant fruits, delicious sweets, and tasty pastries. As I walked through the market stalls, I mustered up the courage to go up to a vendor and inquire in Portuguese about his display of produce. Much to my relief, the vendor was so excited that I was taking the time to ask him about his stall’s offerings. We got to chatting, and all the sudden my mind stopped worrying about perfect grammar and correct vocab. I realized that it was the two of us having a friendly and wholesome conversation in Portuguese, which never could have happened if I approached his stall speaking English. In the end, I walked away with a smile on my face, knowledge about all the wonderful fruits of Brazil, and far too many free samples to count. I returned to the market each week thereafter, speaking to stall vendors and feeling like a part of the local community in Rio. 

U.S. Diplomacy in Latin America

My goal is to work as a foreign service officer in Latin America, helping to facilitate the United States’ foreign policy goals and building diplomatic relationships between countries. I hope to use my Portuguese skills to increase understanding between Brazil and the United States and execute projects that emphasize shared values between these two cultures. Practically speaking, an ability to connect in Portuguese will help avoid communication issues and increase the knowledge base for relevant policy issues. 

Words of Advice

Go for it! I applied for the Portuguese program because the curiosity of learning another language kept coming back to me. Now, thanks to my time in the CLS, I have secured a government internship and a research position, both of which require me to use Portuguese every day. It has opened more doors than I could ever imagine, and it has made me passionate about learning other foreign languages and exploring their cultures.

Alumni Profiles

Hunter Linton
Hunter Linton
Portuguese 2023
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Posted Date

September 30, 2024