We hope you are well! Thank you for your patience. We wanted to provide you with your advisor log-in credentials so you can reach out to students on your campus who have started an application.
Advisor Portal: https://ais.americancouncils.org/start.
If you need to reset your password, you will need to do so using the email address associated with your account, not your username. Once you have reset your password, you will use your username and updated password to log-in. If you have difficulties accessing the advisor portal, please let us know.
If there have been changes to the CLS advisor listing for your campus, please update that information through this form: https://clscholarship.org/advisors/sign-up.
Also, we hope to connect with you and your students at one of our upcoming events! You can register for all events at: clscholarship.org/events. If you haven't already, please check our CLS advisor resources for more tools to assist you this outreach cycle.
We hope to see you at an upcoming event and please let us know if you have any difficulty accessing the portal.
Warm regards,
Rori DiFiore
Senior Communications Officer
Critical Language Scholarship Program