Hello Advisors,
We look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow for the New Advisor Webinar at 3:00 PM EDT. If you have not already registered, tomorrow we’ll provide an overview of the CLS Program and the CLS advisor role. This session is especially geared towards those that are new to the program and who were unable to attend the NAFA New Advisor Workshop in Chicago, IL.
We’re also thrilled to be joined by Steve Gump, Associate Director of Fellowships in the Office of Citizen Scholar Development at the University of Virginia. Steve will share his top tips for recruiting and advising applicants, as well as help in answering audience questions.
Please register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkd-mprDMuHNVv1KcPpDTY6FUvuxq7A3RA. A recording will be made available to those unable to attend.
Thank you for serving as a CLS advisor and for your support of the CLS Program.
Caitlin Ting
Assistant Manager, Outreach and Selection
Critical Language Scholarship Program